The IAF through the work of the Honours and Awards (HAC) Committee confers a number of awards every year to individuals and groups who have distinguished themselves in space cooperation and space activities at global level and who are engaged with or participate actively in the activities of the Federation.
The awards are presented at the annual International Astronautical Congress.
The Call for Nominations for the 2025 IAF Awards is extended!
You can submit your nominations until Friday 24 January 2025 Friday 7 February 2025 by sending the Nomination Packages to the IAF Secretariat at

IAF World Space Award
The IAF World Space Award is presented for an outstanding contribution or contributions in space science, space technology, space medicine, space law or space management of exceptional impact to the world’s progress in astronautics.

IAF Excellence in International Cooperation Award
The IAF Excellence in International Cooperation Award is presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in their efforts to promote and facilitate global engagement and cooperation in the space sector.

IAF Hall of Fame
The IAF Hall of Fame is intended to create a standing forum of personalities that have contributed substantially to the progress of space science, technology and space benefits to humankind, within the framework of the IAF activities.

IAF Excellence in "3G+" Diversity Award
The IAF Excellence in “3G” Diversity Award is intended to recognize IAF member organisations (industry, government, academia) and/or individual teams/projects within IAF member organizations worldwide for outstanding contributions to the fostering of “3G” (Geography, Generation, Gender) Diversity within the space sector.

IAF Excellence in Industry Award
The IAF Excellence in Industry Award is intended to distinguish commercial industry organizations, members or non-members of the IAF, worldwide for introducing innovative space technologies to the global marketplace and are recognized throughout space industry for successfully executing landmark space missions.
For the first time in 2022, the Excellence in Industry Award has been awarded to two organizations in the following categories: a large company employing more than 500 persons and a small and medium company employing fewer than 500 persons.

IAF Distinguished Service Award
The IAF Distinguished Service Award is intended to reward active volunteers for their contributions to the progress of astronautics and the Federation.

IAF Interactive Presentation Award
Each year during the IAC, an IAF Interactive Presentation Award is held to recognize the Best Interactive Presentations of the Congress. Interactive presentations are awarded in each of the following congress categories: Science and Exploration, Applications and Operations, Technology, Infrastructure, and Space and Society.

IAF Student Competition
At the IAC E2 Symposium, the Student Conference, undergraduate and graduate students (no more than 28 years of age) present papers on any project in space sciences, industry or technology.

Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal
The Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal is presented annually to an educator who has demonstrated excellence in using his/her available resources to promote the study of astronautics and related space sciences.

IAF Young Pioneer Award
The IAF Young Pioneer Award is presented annually to a young scientist who has significantly contributed to the advancement of the aerospace science and has presented it with a paper at the IAC.

Other Awards
In 2011, the IAF celebrated its 60th Anniversary and to honour the occasion, gave out a special, one-time award. The award honoured an organisation or individual for a singular and successful project in the field of space applications and space science and exploration, which demonstrates a measurable benefit to humanity. The recipient was the GPS Programme, for its uniqueness and the exemplary role it played in building international collaboration for the benefit of humanity.

Wishing Russia and the entire world another 60 years of impressive space endeavors and missions

On the occasion of the IAF Global Space Conference on Climate Change the IAF recognizes the contribution of the NASA - ESA - JAXA Earth Observing Dashboard in providing accessible Earth Observation data to benefit society and advance knowledge about our home planet