International Project/Programme Management Committee (IPMC) (2024-2027)
Committee Members
See all members
• GEORGI Petra
• MASSOBRIO Federico
• AHN Ohsung
• ALAM Sabrina
• BIELER Torsten
• BLAKE Martina
• CHOI Joon-Min
• FILIPPAZZO Giancarlo
• JU Gwanghyeok
• RIEK Sabine
• SIZEMORE Jennifer
• SMITH Tiffany
• CANGA Michael
• HARTMAN Birgit
• HOENIG Catherine
• SOELTER Michael
• SUESS Ruediger
• TAKEI Yuto
• SNYDER Susann
Objective/scope of the committee
Recognising the value of promoting individual, team, and organisational excellence in programme/project management, systems engineering and engineering disciplines and appreciating the value of sharing experiences, best practices and new techniques with space project/programme management practitioners in space agencies, companies, universities and professional societies throughout the world, the International Astronautical Federation established the International Project/Programme Management Committee (IPMC) in 2010.
The IPMC is organised as an Administrative Committee of the Federation and operates under Standing Rules of Procedure for all IAF Committees and the General Terms of Reference for Administrative Committees of the IAF Constitution’s Bylaws. As such the IPMC meets during the annual International Astronautical Congresses (IAC), participates in the IAF Spring Meetings and also meets on other occasions each year.
The IPMC focuses on exchanging information, discussing mutual activities and sharing best practices for enhancing the management of space programs and projects through:
- Training and curriculum development
- Knowledge sharing
- Lessons learned
- Related research activities
Since its establishment in 2010, the IPMC and its member organizations have helped organize and actively participate in:
- The International Project Management (IPM) course that is managed by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in collaboration with the IPMC and held twice annually at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA.
- The IPMC Young Professionals Workshop held annually just before the International Astronautical Congress.
The IPMC also considers and periodically conducts activities, specialized events and symposia that discuss topics of interest to the programme/project management and training communities. These events have included:
- “Masters with Masters” knowledge sharing sessions on international collaboration and leadership held during International Astronautical Congresses
- Lessons Learned Workshops organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with the IPMC.
- PM Days workshops organized by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), French Space Agency (CNES) and ESA and PM Challenge events organized by NASA.
On IAC technical programme sessions, the IPMC collaborates with the IAF’s Knowledge Management for Space Organizations Committee (KMTC), the Space Education and Outreach Committee (SEOC) and the Workforce Development/Young Professional Programme (WD/YPP) Committee.
- IPMC 2020 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 1Mo - IPMC 2019 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 2Mo - IPMC 2018 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 830Ko - IPMC 2017 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 976Ko - IPMC 2016 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 767Ko - IPMC 2015 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 1Mo - IPMC 2014 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 546Ko - IPMC 2013 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 1Mo - IPMC 2012 YP Workshop Report
PDF, 851Ko
For more information about the IPMC Young Professionals Workshops, please click here!