IAF Excellence in Industry Award 2022 for SMEs

The IAF Excellence in Industry Award (SMEs Category) is intended to distinguish an industry organization, member or non-member of the IAF, worldwide for introducing innovative space technologies to the global marketplace and is recognized throughout space industry for successfully executing a landmark space mission.


Nanoracks received this award for the design and construction of the Bishop Airlock, the first truly commercial element of the International Space Station. Bishop is a doorway to space, offering five times the current payload volume than is currently available on the government-operated JEM Airlock, and is the first ever commercial airlock.

“The Bishop Airlock is the first commercial element of the Space Station, built with private funds. It is the most recent in a line of Nanoracks owned and marketed hardware on the ISS. The hardware, which is used for research and technology demonstration, is open to commercial, educational, and government users, and is the first step towards a commercial space station.”