Agence Nationale des Fréquences • Regulatory Affairs and Spectrum, Orbit Resources Department

Amar SAÏDANI is a military engineer (Lt-Colonel Armament corps) from the French Ministry of defense seconded to the French national frequency Agency and is responsible for ITU coordination of satellites networks and mega constellations, and granting licenses for satellite frequencies declared by France, including the satellite systems of the Intergovernmental organization EUTELSAT and the European Space Agency and the GALILEO satellite program from the European Union.

He worked for 20 years in a wide scope of EMC and spectrum issues for satellite and military programs and is still focused on spectrum management for crisis.

Since 2014, he chairs the satellite communications regulatory group of the CEPT harmonizing and enhancing the deployment of broadband satellite solutions, that published outcomes of the ECC report "satellite solutions for 5G" and “M2M/IoT Operation via Satellite”.


International Astronautical Congress 2022

18-22 September 2022

Paris, France
