Angel Arcia Gil

Universidad Santa Maria la Antigua; Space generation Advisory Council (SGAC) • Professor and Researcher

Angel Arcia Gil is from Panama, and he was awarded with the Emerging Space Leader award by the International Astronautical Federation in 2021. He is the Regional Coordinator of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) for the North America, Central America, and the Caribbean Region (NCAC), where he has mentored students in regional Space competitions, and established initiatives such as the Open-Course of Introduction to Space Engineering for students in Central America with the support of the National Point of Contacts of Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Angel holds a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, and he is currently doing PhD research for the University of Vigo Spain, and the University of Nottingham, UK about the capabilities of small-satellites for Lunar communication and navigation. Angel has experience in several small-satellite projects developing the Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (TT&C) subsystem, and as a Project Manager.

He is currently a Professor at the University Santa Maria la Antigua (USMA) in Panama, where he teaches engineering courses of Telecommunications and Space, with publications about applied technology in agriculture, renewable energy, and education, and with 3 technological patents.


The Global Conference on Space for Emerging Countries 2022

16-20 May 2022

Quito, Ecuador
