Anil Kumar

IAF Bureau • VP: Relations with International Organizations
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)Associate Director, ISTRAC and Chief General Manager, Safe & Sustainable Space Operations Management

  • In 2022, established ISRO system for safe and sustainable space operations management IS4OM which was dedicated to the nation by Honourable central minister Dr. Jitendra Singh.
  • Earlier Director, Directorate of space situational awareness and management, in ISRO HQ and Head, Applied Mathematics Division, VSSC.
  • ISRO team leader Inter Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee IADC, two years Chair for IADC working group on mitigation, presently Chair of IADC (2023-2024)
  • Member International Academy of Astronautics

Fellow Aeronautical Society of India

ISRO representative at UNCOPUOS, IAA working group, IAF WG on STM etc


Master of Science, Master of Philosophy, both in Maths
Master of Science and Ph D in Aerospace engineering from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India
Graduated Space Studies Program (2007) from International Space University

Awards & recognitions

  • Guided 7 researchers for Ph D, 11 M Tech projects
  • More than 50 reviewed journal publications, 50 conference publications

Team leader ISRO Team award
Vikram Award from SSI
Space System award from ASI
