Christian Lange

Canadian Space Agency (CSA)ISECG Chair, A/Director, Space Exploration Planning, Coordination and Advanced Concepts

Dr. Christian Lange is the Head of the Space Exploration Strategic Planning group of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), which is responsible for planning Canada’s participation in future national and international space exploration missions. This includes directing the development of science, technology, and mission roadmaps; pre-mission advanced concept studies; providing leadership within CSA to the conceptualization and enablement of commercialization related to space exploration; and directing coordinated global exercises with international partners.

Dr. Lange is a CSA representative to the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG), a voluntary, non-binding coordination forum, presently composed of 26 space agencies. With the transition of the ISECG Chair to the CSA in Sep 2020, he currently leads the ISECG activities. Christian is also the Section Councillor of the Astronautics Section of CASI, the Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute, a non-profit scientific and technical organization for people interested in aeronautics, space and remote sensing.

Christian Lange has been with the Canadian Space Agency since 2001, where he started his career as a post-doctoral fellow and subsequently worked for several years as Robotics Researcher in multibody system dynamics before shifting his focus to strategic planning activities.

Christian Lange has master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rostock, Germany and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Technology, Graz, Austria.
