IAF Bureau • IAF Honorary Secretary
Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA)Retired

Geir Hovmork is born in 1954, holds a M.Sc Electronic Engineering from the Technical University of Trondheim and has been involved in space activities since 1981. First as project engineer and project leader at various satcom projects at the Space Activity Division of the Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Indsutrial Research (NTNF-R). When the Norwegian Space Centre, later renamed Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA) was established in 1987 he become Head of the Space Transportation section. Since 1994 he was Director for Industrial Development and from 2006 also the Associate Director General of the NOSA. In the period 2015-2019 he was Head of the Norwegian delegation to ESA. He retired from NOSA in 2021 but is still involved as Special Adviser to the Agency.

Hovmork has been involved in IAF activities and congresses since 1983. First as co-author and speaker, from 1985 as member of various IAF and IAA committees. Member of the IAA since 1987 (youngest at the time). LOC Chairman of the IAF Congress in Oslo 1995, IPC Co-Chair for Oslo and Beijing in 1996, IAF Vice-President (Technical Activities and Congresses) 1998-2004. Member/chair of the CSAC (Congress and Symposia Advisory Ctee) 2005-2015. He is now the Honorary Secretary of the IAF.
