Jonathan LUN

Wits University, Johannesburg • PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Jonathan Lun received a BSc in Mechanical Engineering at Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2006, and a MSc in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2009. After working as a design engineer in the petrochemical and metals industry for two years, he joined the Space Science Directorate of the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) in 2011. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Wits University, researching the development and testing of high-performance vacuum arc thrusters for micropropulsion applications. In collaboration with the Wits School of Physics, he co-founded the first and only dedicated space propulsion research laboratory in the country.

Jonathan believes that space is one of the few shining examples of successful international cooperation. In this regard, governments and industry should continue to work together to grow and establish human efforts in space. The global space community also has the opportunity to strengthen partnerships with developing countries, whose space activities are quickly playing a vital role in their economies. Finally, investment in space technology and space policy today will have profound consequences for our society in the long-term future and should be carefully considered and wisely acted upon.
