Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) • Researcher

Since the beginning of this year, Zubin has been working as a researcher at the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) in Barcelona, Spain, as part of the AstroNet-II training network. Zubin is also completing a doctoral degree at the University of Colorado Boulder, where his research is guided by Prof. Daniel J. Scheeres. His undergraduate studies were in Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering at Purdue University, where he also completed a master’s degree in 2010 under the direction of Prof. Kathleen C. Howell.

Through his studies and work, Zubin has developed an interest in applications of dynamical systems theory to problems in astrodynamics. Taking advantage of natural dynamics facilitates the design of efficient spacecraft trajectories that can meet often complex science objectives. By expanding our understanding of space, he argues that we can advance society here on Earth. Furthermore, from his experience at home and abroad, he sees importance of international cooperation in tackling problems on the vast scale encountered in the study of space. Zubin is looking forward to meeting delegates from worldwide at the IAC, which he views as an ideal forum for researchers to begin to approach these challenges.
