The Role of Education in Support of Emerging Countries
Tuesday 2 October 2018, 15:55 – 16:55
Location: Bremen Conference Center – CCB Hansesaal
The UN Agreement on the Sustainable Development Growth (SDG) adopted in 2015 highlights that international collaboration is becoming increasingly important as it is one of critical factors to improve the welfare of people. This is especially relevant for developing countries through education activities in order to have a more important role to play in inspiring and motivation the next generation, capacity building and promoting the use of space technology for sustainable socioeconomic development. Space agencies can be catalysers in preparing with joint education activities the future works force for the space sector as well as other sectors.
In this regard, the GNF will engage space agencies leaders and experts in reflecting on role of education in support of emerging countries and promote the initiative of IAF members’ collaboration to enhance the utilization of space technology to enhance capabilities of emerging space nations.
Organized by:


Simonetta DI PIPPO
Director, SEE Lab (Space Economy Evolution Laboratory) SDA Bocconi School of Management