From LEO to Deep Space - What Every Space Actor Needs for Mission Success
Day: Wednesday 21 September
Time: 15:50 - 16:35 CEST
Location: Room N01, Level 3, Hall 7, Paris Convention Centre
Since the dawn of the space age, all space actors have required assured access to radiofrequency spectrum from their location in space to monitor and control their operations and perform their missions. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the central authority for the world’s cooperative use of these critical space resources of spectrum and orbits for all space actors − from traditional comsats, to “mega-constellations;” to small satellites performing important scientific functions, to explorers bound for cislunar space, Mars and beyond, and to new space actors, including newly space-faring nations and inventors of emerging space services such as in-orbit servicing.
This session will bring together a diverse range of key space actors from International and National Regulators, Space Agencies, NGSO Satellite Systems and Geostationary Satellite Operators to highlight the successful regulatory mechanisms that allow us to continue to benefit from the space ecosystem while exploring and building knowledge on the next steps to continue assuring spectrum availability and reliability for future space systems -- like those to be considered at the ITU’s 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23).
The lessons learned from this 60-year journey in making spectrum free of interference for All may also be of interest to space stakeholders when dealing with other emerging challenges concerning space sustainability.
This session is organized by:

Senior Engineer, Space Systems Coordination Division, International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Regulatory Affairs and Spectrum, Orbit Resources Department, Agence Nationale des Fréquences