China Space Station Benefits Global Space Exploration

Day: Wednesday 4 October
Time: 11:25 - 12:20 AZT (GMT+4)
Location: Heydar Aliyev Center (HAC) Auditorium

The in orbit construction of China's Tiangong Space Station has been successfully completed in 2022, marking the commencement of a new phase focused on application and development that will span over a decade. This presents a historic opportunity to conduct large-scale and systematic space research with human participation.

The space station features a basic three-module configuration consisting of the core module, Tianhe, and two lab modules, Wentian and Mengtian. It is designed to be a versatile space lab, capable of accommodating 25 experiment racks as well as exposed platforms for scientific exploration. Tiangong supports research in space life science and human research, microgravity physics, space astronomy and earth science, space new technology and application etc. Hundreds of thousands of experiments will be rolled out as planned.

A distinguished panel will discuss various aspects of the China Space Station, including overall scheme, building process, technical performances, vision of space science and research facilities etc. CMSA has also prepared to tell the story of Tiangong and its willingness to strength communication with global partners. China will continue to adhere to the development concept of openness and sharing, and carry out more and deeper pragmatic cooperation with countries and regions committed to the peaceful utilization of outer space. China Space Station is destined to benefit all human beings.

CMSA welcomes your participation in the event!

Organised by:

Chinese Society of Astronautics (CSA)


Linqi ZHU

Director of Asia Pacific Office, IAF Select Committee on Satellite Commercial Applications




Chief Designer, Chinese Space Station


Lei WU

Producer and Senior Space Correspondent, CGTN


Congmin LYU

Deputy Chief Designer of Space Utilization System of Manned the Space Program, Chinese Academy of Sciences



Research Scientist, University of Geneva Astronomy Department



Researcher, China Academy of Space Technology
