Bridging Worlds: A Compelling Conversation on Communications Between Space and Earth for a Sustainable Future

Day: Friday 18 October
Time: 10:15 - 11:15 CEST
Location: Red Hall, Level 1, North Wing, MiCo Convention Centre

This session is designed to catalyze broader and more profound public engagement with space technologies and their benefits to life on Earth. The conversation, steered by the moderator Aarti Holla-Maini, Director UNOOSA will explore the necessity of accurately and compellingly presenting space activities and their benefits to humanity. This effort is crucial for fostering a supportive public opinion, encouraging educational pursuits in STEM, and securing the political and financial backing needed for future space endeavors. The panel will center on strategies to enhance public communication about space, highlighting the importance of clear and compelling narratives to make space exploration accessible and relevant to a broad audience around the world.



Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)



Camille BERGIN

Social Media Influencer, Space Communicator, Galactic Gal

United States


CEO, Spire Global


Dennis STONE

President, World Space Week Association

United States