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IAF Flipboard

The IAF Flipboard gathers in one place links to the world's most credible and reputable space news sources ranging from relevant articles, videos and interviews. On a weekly basis, the IAF highlights the latest developments, discoveries and trends in space. Enjoy your reading!

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Chinese astronauts return to Earth after six months on China's Tiangong space station

November 6, 2023

Ancient Mars was Planet of Rivers, Planetary Scientists Say

November 6, 2023

Pioneering new uses for carbon capture technology

November 6, 2023

City-size comet racing toward Earth regrows 'horns' after massive volcanic eruption

November 6, 2023

Past extent of lunar permanently shadowed areas

November 6, 2023

Webb discovers new feature in Jupiter's atmosphere

November 6, 2023

New exoplanet-informed research sets clearer bounds on the search for radio technosignatures

November 6, 2023

Massive space explosion observed creating elements needed for life

November 6, 2023

Gemini South Captures Cosmic 'Cotton Candy'

November 6, 2023

Astronomers carry out largest ever cosmological computer simulation

November 6, 2023

Astronomers Discover Infant "Escaping Star"

November 6, 2023

Open clusters lose stars as they age, study finds

November 6, 2023