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IAF Flipboard

The IAF Flipboard gathers in one place links to the world's most credible and reputable space news sources ranging from relevant articles, videos and interviews. On a weekly basis, the IAF highlights the latest developments, discoveries and trends in space. Enjoy your reading!

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Astronomers sound alarm over light pollution from huge new satellite

November 6, 2023

Hubert Reeves, Canadian-French astrophysicist and science popularizer, dies aged 91

November 6, 2023

NASA-Led Study Pinpoints Areas of New York City Sinking, Rising

November 6, 2023

Juno Completes its Closest Flyby of Io Yet

November 6, 2023

New observations of flares from distant star could help in search for habitable planets

November 6, 2023

Dust cloud from two colliding ice planets dims light of parent star

November 6, 2023

Stellar fountain of youth with turbulent formation history in the centre of our galaxy

November 6, 2023

Deciphering Gravitational Waves

November 6, 2023

China is planning to double the size of its space station

November 6, 2023

8-billion-year-old radio signal reaches Earth

November 6, 2023

Second Chance from Baku from Space

October 18, 2023

Bursts of star formation explain mysterious brightness at cosmic dawn

October 18, 2023