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IAF Flipboard

The IAF Flipboard gathers in one place links to the world's most credible and reputable space news sources ranging from relevant articles, videos and interviews. On a weekly basis, the IAF highlights the latest developments, discoveries and trends in space. Enjoy your reading!

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The Center of Our Galaxy May Be Way More Powerful than We Thought, Say Scientists

January 29, 2023

Calibrating the luminosity of nearby stars to refine calculations of universe age and expansion

January 29, 2023

Astronomers Dig Out Buried Black Holes with NASA's Chandra

January 29, 2023

Scientists Find Various Organic Compounds in Martian Meteorite

January 29, 2023

Astronomers Spotted Unusual Stellar Explosion Rich in Oxygen and Magnesium

January 29, 2023

Astronomers find the origin of one of the oldest stars in the Milky Way

January 29, 2023

Webb Discovers LHS 475 b, An Earth-Sized, Rocky Planet

January 29, 2023

Strange New Discovery Reveals UV Radiation Played a Part in Mass Extinction Events

January 29, 2023

NASA asks commercial space companies to save Hubble

January 29, 2023

New JWST Image Shows That Grand Spiral Galaxies had Already Formed 11 Billion Years ago

January 29, 2023

How far is Betelgeuse, the famous doomed star?

January 29, 2023

China's commercial rocket CERES-1 Y5 launches 5 satellites

January 29, 2023