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IAF Flipboard

The IAF Flipboard gathers in one place links to the world's most credible and reputable space news sources ranging from relevant articles, videos and interviews. On a weekly basis, the IAF highlights the latest developments, discoveries and trends in space. Enjoy your reading!

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Professor Valentina Zharkova and the Little Ice Age Which Has Already Started

May 13, 2024

Radio astronomers bypass disturbing Earth's atmosphere with new calibration technique

May 13, 2024

Sierra Space Dream Chaser® Spaceplane Successfully Completes First Phase of Pre-Flight Testing

May 13, 2024

China Launches Chang'e-6 probe to the Far Side of the Moon

May 13, 2024

NASA Sets Coverage for Boeing Starliner’s First Crewed Launch, Docking

May 13, 2024

Airbus, Rolls-Royce Close to $20 Billion Turkish Airlines Parts Deal

May 13, 2024

New JWST observations reveal black holes rapidly shut off star formation in massive galaxies

May 13, 2024

Black Hole ''traffic jams'' discovered in galactic centres, international study finds

May 13, 2024

Astronomers find first strong evidence of neutron star remnant of exploding star

May 13, 2024

Einstein Probe opens its wide eyes to the X-ray sky

May 13, 2024

Eruption of mega-magnetic star lights up nearby galaxy

May 13, 2024

Webb Captures Top of Iconic Horsehead Nebula in Unprecedented Detail

May 13, 2024