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IAF Flipboard

The IAF Flipboard gathers in one place links to the world's most credible and reputable space news sources ranging from relevant articles, videos and interviews. On a weekly basis, the IAF highlights the latest developments, discoveries and trends in space. Enjoy your reading!

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Differences between the Moon’s near and far sides linked to colossal ancient impact

April 28, 2022

U.S. will not conduct direct ascent anti-satellite missile tests, Harris says

April 28, 2022

Edinburgh-headquartered space-focused firm AstroAgency reaches new heights with contract wins

April 28, 2022

SpaceX launches US spy satellite, lands rocket in flawless Easter flight

April 28, 2022

Shenzhou-13 crew return safely to Earth after record six months in orbit

April 28, 2022

Giant stars undergo dramatic weight loss program

April 8, 2022

Webb Telescope’s Coldest Instrument Reaches Operating Temperature

April 8, 2022

Lunar Dust Collected By Neil Armstrong Sells For $500,000 – After NASA Lost In Court to Keep It

April 8, 2022

SpinLaunch and NASA Agree To Test A Truly Unique Mass Accelerator Launch System

April 8, 2022

Why will artist Jeff Koons send his sculptures to the moon?

April 8, 2022

Meet HD1, the New Most Distant Galaxy Found 13.5 Billion Years Back in Time and Close to the 'Big Bang'

April 8, 2022

Solar Orbiter heads for closest point to the Sun

April 8, 2022