Published on October 25, 2017

Highlight video by IAC TV on the IAF IDEA "3G" Diversity Breakfast

In continuation of the IAF President’sinitiative on fostering the principle of 3G Diversity in astronautics and as an important element of the IAF 3G Diversity Day on 27 September 2017 at IAC 2017 in Adelaide, Australia, the IAF is using its IDEA platform to offer an IAF IDEA 3G Diversity Breakfast to all delegates focusing on the epochal and historic event in mankind’s future of the first woman to set foot on the Moon under the title “First Woman on the Moon”.
Based on the initiative of the International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA), the organiser of regular Galaxy Forums and
IAF member since 2011, and with strong support by the European Space Agency, The American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA) and Lockheed Martin Corporation, this breakfast event shall provide an opportunity to hear about the
perspectives of the first female astronaut setting foot on the Moon, the plans of space agencies and industry in advancing a
“Moon village” concept with an inclusive participation and the opinions of those who have been and will be the ambassadors of
humankind in exploring the universe – our astronauts.
With this eventthe IAF and its partners wish to draw the attention of a globalspace community on the long-overdue consideration
of the historic significance of the first woman on the Moon as wasthe first man on the Moon almost 50 years ago, when humanity will reclaim its existence as a multi-world species and at that time become a multi-world civilization – a Moon Village prototype – in peace for all, and for good.