Published on November 15, 2019

Wednesday IAC 2019 06 GNF : To the ISS, the Moon, Mars and then some : A 360° Discussion on Humani

While today’s focus is very much on Humanity’s return to the Moon and Mars, we must not forget that there’s much more “out there” to explore, gather knowledge on and learn from.

This distinguished panel will provide a comprehensive, 360° view of the Space Exploration endeavours of today and tomorrow. Starting with a keynote speech by a renowned planetary scientist, the panelists will share views and insights coming from the “user’s”/ institutional perspective, the scientific World and the Space industry – and, of course, from both sides of “the pond”.

The panelists will discuss the far-reaching technologies developed not only for the return to the Moon and our next exploration steps on Mars (rovers, sample returns), but also innovative missions like the exoplanet-exploring CHEOPS and how all of these activities contribute to one common goal: To jointly expand Humanitiy’s footprint throughout our Solar System and even Beyond.