Published on November 15, 2019

Wednesday IAC 2019 09 GNF : Industrializing the Solar System Launching the OffWorld Industrial Rob

OffWorld is building millions of smart robots working with human supervision on earth and in space, turning the solar system into a habitable place for life and civilization. Enabling human expansion off our home planet is the most important objective of our civilization, for three reasons: 1) species level life insurance policy, 2) sustainable development on earth and 3) opening up the new frontier.

What we require in space is a robotic workforce for tough jobs. We need to be able to excavate underground habitats and extract water ice and materials. From the collective volatile’s we need to make drinkable water, breathable air and rocket propellant. In order to sustain expansion we need to be able to manufacture basic structures and solar cells so that we can produce unlimited power. Ultimately, these systems will need to replicate themselves for rapid and economic expansion. In order to do this, we need to emulate the entire infrastructure value chain from mining, processing, fabrication, assembly and construction. However, we cannot just export current Earth-based practices and technology. We must reinvent how we undertake these processes here on earth, and transfer them directly to the expansion of civilization into the solar system.

This keynote event will introduce the OffWorld Robotic Industrial Workforce program with onstage high production value demonstrations of our first species of autonomous industrial robots to complement the OffWorld exhibit.