AIPAS – Association Of Italian Space Enterprises
Association and Professional Society • Member since 2024

AIPAS represents the general interests of its members to space public and private stakeholders and in various national land international fora.AIPAS provides information and support to its member companies.AIPAS supports member companies internationalisation and participation in national, EU, ESA, and international programmes.AIPAS monitors space legislation and organises initiatives in support of space industrial policies.AIPAS supports cooperation between SMEs and Large Enterprises: founded in 1998 to protect the interests of Italian space SMEs, since 2007 AIPAS has also given large companies the opportunity to participate in the life of the association.AIPAS promotes the creation and growth of space Innovative SMEs and Startups.AIPAS promotes space applications of space data and technologies. AIPAS monitors space market trends and evolution. Its representation includes some of the most innovative space companies en Italy and several NewSpace enterprises.
Via Chiana 48
00198 Rome
Italy - 39 3312258497