Central Research Institute for Machine Building (JSC TSNIIMASH)
Research and Development • Member since 2004
The Central Research Institute for Machine Building, Federal State Unitary Enterprise is a head scientific and research institution of the Federal Space Agency. For over 60 years the Institute has been participating in development of substantially all launch vehicles (LV), manned spacecraft (SC), orbital stations and unmanned SC.
The Institute fulfills:
Studies and formulation of guidelines and priorities of the national space activity and rocket and space technology (RST) development,
Theoretical and experimental studies of aerogasdynamics, heat transfer, LV and SC structural strength and dynamics,
Control of ISS RS, Soyuz and Progress SC, scientific, societal and economy-oriented SC,
RST quality, reliability, and safety support operations,
Studies of the GLONASS system buildup lines,
Studies of impact of NES man-made space debris.
TSNIIMASH has close scientific and technical connections with leading foreign organizations involved in space activity (the USA, China, France, India, Japan and other countries).
Pionerskaya str., 4
141070 Koroylev
Russia - 007 495 513 59 51
- corp@tsniimash.ru
- https://www.tsniimash.ru
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