Deep Space Exploration Laboratory (Tiandu Laboratory)

Research and DevelopmentMember since 2023


Deep Space Exploration Laboratory (DSEL, Tiandu Laboratory) is co-founded by China National Space Administration (CNSA), the People's Government of Anhui Province, and University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). The headquarters is in Hefei City and the division in Beijing.

Deep Space Exploration Laboratory (DSEL, Tiandu Laboratory) is co-founded by China National Space Administration (CNSA), the People's Government of Anhui Province, and University of Science and Technology of China ( USTC ). The headquarters is in Hefei City and the division in Beijing.

Facing the frontiers of world space science and technology and the strategic needs of a powerhouse in aerospace, and centering on major national scientific and technological programs and international big science projects in the field of deep pace exploration, DESL plans the development of the national deep space exploration business, carries out strategic, forward-looking and fundamental researches, supports and implements the national major scientific and technological projects of deep space exploration, constructs a new type of R&D institution for the integrated development of science, technology and engineering, and builds itself into an important talent center and innovation highland with international influence.

DSEL is focusing on several major technical directions of advanced power energy,deep space intelligent sensing and remote control, deep space TT&C, deep space resource utilization, advanced material, etc.,to start strategic, forward-looking, and fundamental researches.

DSEL has actively pursued international collaborations at all levels and across various fields. Starting from the China Lunar Exploration Project 4th Phase and International Lunar Research Station Projects. We have successfully concluded several cooperation agreements or MOU with more than 10 countries, international organizations, institutes and companies worldwide.