Fraunhofer Space Alliance

Research and DevelopmentMember since 2018


Weather forecasts, navigation, real-time transmission for satellite TV or global Internet access- space industry applications and services have become an indispensable part of daily life, underpinning the importance of space technology for a modern industrialized society. In the Fraunhofer Space Alliance, the institutes pool their technological expertise in order to provide the industry and funding agencies such as the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission with a central contact.

Fraunhofer acts as systems provider, developing a wide range of top-quality components, integrating them into an overall system and delivering that system to the customer. The sheer technological variety of the participating institutes enables the Fraunhofer Space Alliance to offer its customers a unique range of services. Its business units are Communication and Navigation, Materials and Processes, Energy and Electronics, Surfaces and Optical Systems, Protection Technology and Reliability and Sensor Systems and Analysis.
