GomSpace Aps
Space Industry • Member since 2010

GomSpace is an entrepreneurial company incorporated in 2007. The company is based on the experience gained by the entrepreneurs while doing research and development at the University of Aalborg in Denmark.
The entrepreneurs were the driving force behind the first European Cubesat, called AAU-Cubesat, which was launched in June 2003 and has since been involved with a number of other university/educational satellite projects including AAUSAT-II, SSETI-Express and Baumanetz before setting up the company to start commercialisation of the results.
GomSpace has significant and broad expertise within small satellite technology and concepts with focus on integrated solutions. We do electronic and software engineering with focus on developing cost-effective and reliable solutions for small satellite systems. Another significant area of expertise is Model Based Control and Estimation, We take part in the full development cycle of a control system: instrumentation, mathematical modelling, algorithm development and verification, implementation, and continuing support.
This knowledge is applied in space related projects as well as non-space related projects. The market for pico- and nano- satellite solutions is still in its infancy, like the microsat market of the eighties. GomSpace is determined to introduce solutions and systems that will unlock the technological potential and commercial opportunities.
Niels Jernes Vej 10
9220 Aalborg East
Denmark - 0045 9635 6111
- info@gomspace.com
- http://gomspace.com/