High Technology Unit (UAT) Faculty of Engineering- UNAM

UniversityMember since 2018


The High Technology Unit (UAT) of the school of engineering, National and Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), founded in 1792, has pioneered the development of all the fields of engineering in the american continent.

Mission: To become a high technology development center where highly trained human resources are prepared in the areas of aerospace and automotive engineering, through teaching, research and technological innovation activities. To train students specialized in the management of the Ground Space Station, mechanical vibrations, EMC and the thermo-vacuum chamber operation, which allows to test Nano and microsatellites of different sizes.

Vision: To become a worldwide reference for higher education institutions, excelling in the delivery of top quality training courses in the disciplines of Automotive and Aerospace Engineering and building a strong sense of social, ecological and true human values. The above will facilitate the development of innovative solutions that satisfy the needs of both public and private sectors.
