National Space Society

Association and Professional SocietyMember since 2019

NSS is an independent nonprofit nonpartisan educational membership organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization. Our vision: People living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and using the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity. NSS activities include:

The National Space Society publishes the award winning space interest magazine Ad Astra.

Additionally, we organize and host the long-running International Space Development Conference.

As of 2017, NSS initiated a new space conference — The Space Settlement Summit.

In terms of educational outreach in local communities, NSS has an international network of chapters that anyone can join.

NSS is a leader in space related educational student outreach activities.

NSS is also active on the political front with the creation of numerous space policy position papers and supporting volunteers doing space advocacy.

To further raise awareness and promote space development, NSS has organized and sponsors a number of space related contests.

NSS organizes a variety of projects to raise public awareness and promote space development. Shown is an NSS sponsored book written by Rod Pyle that documents the new age of space.

In addition to Ad Astra NSS publishes Ad Astra Downlink and the Space Settlement Journal.

NSS honours leaders in space exploration, development, and settlement with a variety of awards.

  • NSS Operations Support Center, 11130 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 350
    20191 Reston, VA
    United States