SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University

UniversityMember since 2022


The Space Economy Evolution Lab (SEE Lab) of SDA Bocconi is a research center dedicated to the analysis of the economy of space, founded in 2018 by Professor Andrea Sommariva and Professor Nanni Bignami. Considering the intersection of different disciplines of the space sector, the SEE Lab has embraced a multidisciplinary approach for conducting its activities.

The SEE Lab provides its multiple stakeholders with the in-depth understanding and strategic insights to leverage the opportunities presented by the evolution of the space economy. In doing that, the Lab provides different research services to public institutions and private corporations on several vertical know-how such as: socio-economic impact, economic sustainability, policy implications, governance, technological innovation, market structure, procurement models.

The SEE Lab is committed to training future leaders capable of having a disruptive approach and an out-of-the-box perspective. With this intent, it generates and disseminates in-depth knowledge on space economy, identifying demand, offer and technological innovation trends in the short, medium and long term at global level. To do so, SEE Lab develops strategic insights necessary to companies and public institutions to gauge the opportunities presented by space economy.

Since 2022, the SEE Lab’s new Director is Professor Simonetta Di Pippo, who is also Professor of Practice of Space Economy at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Professor Di Pippo is former Director of UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs), former Director of Human Spaceflight at the European Space Agency and is Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Space.