Technische Universität Dresden

UniversityMember since 2023


The TU Dresden is one of the largest technical universities and one of the leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. With its 17 faculties in five areas, it offers a wide range of over 120-degree programmes and covers a broad spectrum of research in the research profiles of health sciences, biomedicine and bioengineering, information technology and microelectronics, materials sciences, energy, mobility and environment, and culture and social change. More than 30,000 students are enrolled at TU Dresden, with around one in six students coming from abroad. Today, around 8,700 employees from 70 countries work at TU Dresden. Furthermore, TUD is the only university in the eastern German federal states with the distinction as ‘University of Excellence’ (since 2012) and three approved Clusters of Excellence within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments.

The Institute of Aerospace Engineering is part of the Faculty of Engineering, which enjoys an excellent reputation: more than 10,000 students, almost 2,000 employees in 40 institutes and centres contribute to the engineering sciences on a daily basis. As part of this, the Chair of Space Systems with over 30 employees develops highly innovative space propulsion systems, small satellites and so far more than 20 space-tested payload systems.

  • 1062 Dresden