UzayA Law and Science Association

Association and Professional SocietyMember since 2022


Space Law and Science Association consists of people from different professional groups and backgrounds who are interested in space and space law, write academic articles and develop projects. The aim of the Association is to be one of the stakeholders in the legislation phase of the Turkish national space legislation and aims to create a national space legislation based on space sciences, taking into account the technical and legal requirements. One of the biggest goals of the association is to ensure the Space Law legislation applied in the international arena and to become an association that contributes to the signing of new international agreements before the United Nations when such opportunity arises.

The Association meets and exchanges views with several public institutions and private initiatives. The members of the Association closely follow the legal and technical developments in the world regarding space and organize various webinars and meetings on the ongoing space issues. The Association consists of a Board of Directors, a Board of Auditors and a General Assembly. The Association also has commissions: (1) Legal Commission (2) Astronomy and Space Sciences Commission (3) Science Technical Systems and Space Engineering Commission (4) Education and Organization Commission.

  • Kovanagzi Mahallesi Doganyurt Sokak No. 3 Meram
    42010 Konya
  • + 905558951985