Published on February 14, 2023

Anatoly Grigoriev, an outstanding scientist in the field of space biology and medicine, has died after a long illness.

An active member of the Federation for years, he will be very missed.

The IAF is extremely sorry to hear the loss of such important space figure. Deepest condolences to his family and colleagues for this loss. Anatoly was an outstanding scholar in the area of space biology and medicine, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), academician of the RAS and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), presidium member of the RAS, academic advisor of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS (IMBP RAS), meritorious scientist, Dr. scient. med., professor.
Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev was born on March 23, 1943 in Zhitomir province, Ukraine. After finishing secondary school he enrolled at general medicine department of the 2d Moscow Pirogov medical University. In 1966 in the capacity of physician/test-subject start employment with Institute of Biomedical Problems, where he got through all degrees of academic development. After successful completion of postgraduate course under the guidance of academician V.V. Parin Anatoly Ivanovich in 1970 passed Ph.D. defense and in 1980 defended doctoral thesis and became professor. In 1988 he was elected director of Institute of Biomedical Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health, which in 1994 for good performance was awarded status of the State Scientific center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health. In 2008 A.I. Grigoriev while continuing to be the academic adviser of the Institute was elected the Vice-President of the RAS.
A.I. Grigoriev made major contributions into solving fundamental and applied problems of space biology and medicine, which predetermined possibility to implement the longest in the practice of the world cosmonautics manned spaceflights onboard orbital space stations.
With the guidance of A.I. Grigoriev unique ground-based simulation experiments have been conducted, which allowed to provide scientific credence and introduce into practice of spaceflights methods of medical monitoring, prediction and control of human state, develop a package of means and countermeasures against adverse effects of spaceflight factors, primarily microgravity.
Among major scientific general theoretical achievements of A.I. Grigoriev are identification of changes in sensitivity of effectors to biologically active supplements, defining the role of shifts of renal water-electrolyte metabolism in development of vestibular disturbances, orthostatic intolerance and decrease of G-tolerance, identification of mechanisms responsible for minimazing physiological functions and endocrine regulation of metabolism in microgravity, regularities of changes in visceral systems and their relationships under influence of extreme spaceflight factors.
Investigations by A.I. Grigoriev et al. in many ways contributed into forming of gravitational physiology as a separate scientific discipline. In particular it turned out well to persistently enhance physiological human performance up to the level required for good tolerance of g-loads during disorbit and for rapid recovery of orthostatic tolerance and physical performance post landing. He was the chief of medical support of spaceflights (1998-2008) onboard “Salyut”, “Mir”, ISS orbital stations and the chairman of the Main medical Commission of the Russian Space Agency for examination of cosmonaut candidates, cosmonauts and instructor-cosmonauts.
Under the guidance of O.G. Gazenko he participated in studies of adaptation of living systems of various evolutionary levels to gravity, carried out on biosatellites of “Bion” series. This allowed to substantiate fundamental thesis about absence of biological limitations upon continual increase of spaceflights’ duration.
Training of scientific personnel holds marked position in the multifaceted activity of Anatoly Ivanovich. He heads renown scientific school “Study of fundamental mechanisms for maintenance of human homeostasis under influence of adverse environmental factors, including spaceflight factors and altered gaseous atmosphere”. Under his guidance over 20 Ph.D. and doctorate thesises have been defended.
Since 1996 Anatoly Ivanovich has been Head of the Chair “Ecological and extreme medicine” at the Department of fundamental medicine of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, where he delivers lecture courses on space physiology, ecological physiology and medicine, telemedicine. A.I. Grigoriev actively participates in international cooperation in the area of space biology and medicine. He chairs cooperation with the USA, France and other states in the European Space Agency (ESA), is Co-Chairman of the ISS Multilateral Medical operations Policy Panel (MMOP). A.I. Grigoriev carries out a lot of work related to publishing activities: is the Chairman of the Scientific publishing Council of the RAS, member of Editorial Board of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Editor-in-Chief of magazines “Human Physiology”, “Technology of Living Systems”, “Acta naturae”, member of editorial boards of many other magazines.
Anatoly Ivanovich is the author and co-author of over 400 scientific papers, including 13 multi-author books. He received more than 70 patents and author’s certificates. For his substantial contribution to science Anatoly Ivanovich has been given the titles of laureate of the USSR State Prize and two Prizes of the Russian Federation Government in the area of science and technology.