Published on April 12, 2023

The Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA)

Read here the Recommended Framework and Key Elements for Peaceful and Sustainable Lunar Activities by IAF Member The Moon Village Association (MVA)

The Moon Village Association (MVA) established the Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA) to increase coordination mechanisms, identify present and future challenges of lunar missions, and de-risk future operations. Its vision is to enable globally inclusive participation in this next stage of human endeavors in space. For this reason, the GEGSLA has engaged widely with lunar stakeholders from industry, government, and academia.

The GEGSLA first phase operated between February 2021 and December 2022 in order to develop the “Recommended Framework and Key Elements for Peaceful and Sustainable Lunar Activities.” This report was presented to the general public during the 60th Session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) Scientific and Technical Subcommittee. In 11 chapters, the Recommended Framework covers topics related to Coordination and Management; Information Sharing; Safe Operations and Lunar Environmental Protection; Compatibility and Interoperability; Lunar Governance; Benefits for Humanity; Lunar Economy; and Human Interactions.

In addition to the Recommended Framework, two complementary annexes titled “Technical Guidelines for Implementation of the Recommended Framework” and “Future Issues” cover a wide range of topics recommended for further discussions at a later stage. They provide a common language and a shared understanding of what constitutes sustainable lunar activities. The annexes are important for the broader scientific and space communities as they serve as a reference for policymakers, regulators, and investors who are interested in supporting or participating in lunar activities.

Since January 2023, the GEGSLA is in its Operational Phase. The goal of this phase is to promote dissemination and implementation of the Recommended Framework produced by the Group, with special focus on discussions conducted within the UNCOPUOS, as well as to exchange information on ongoing lunar missions. The support to these discussions is possible since MVA has permanent observer status within COPUOS. It also aims to gather feedback and input from stakeholders, such as industry representatives, academics, and NGOs.

To learn more about the GEGSLA and access the relevant documents, please visit the following link: